Old Tree

August 27, 2011 § 4 Comments

“storms make trees take deeper roots.” ~ Dolly Parton

Impending east coast storms have me thinking about the power of nature… and for some reason, a drawing I did many years ago came to mind. It’s quite large for a pen and ink, and took a long bit of time. I had been in a very meditative place, and became lost in the leaves and bark and majesty of the tree; the strokes of the pen were both welcoming and healing… and it remains one of my favorites.

"Old Tree" / © Patricia Saxton

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§ 4 Responses to Old Tree

  • Debbie says:

    I see the Russian man too …….


  • leslie says:

    …This old tree takes me back in time too..to when we came to know each other in college…this tree was one of my first glimpses to your talents.. : )


  • saxtonstudio says:

    Interesting perspective… at the time, perhaps it did serve to rescue me in some manner. Thank you for your thoughts!


  • letempspasse says:

    What an incredible image. I see a man hang on for dear life, hugging the tree’s trunk right below the lower branches on the right. He’s wearing a russian fur hat and he seems to have a scarf (or beard?) over his face…
    Leave it to my healthy imagination! 🙂
    Perhaps it was meant to be a rescue tree?


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